South Dakota Republican Party Votes to Impeach the President
On Saturday June 21, at the South Dakota Republican Party’s annual convention in Rapid City, delegates voted 191-176 in favor of a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.
According to Sioux Falls Argus Leader and Huffington Post articles, the Resolution states that President Obama has "violated his oath of office in numerous ways", specifically citing the trade of five Taliban detainees for POW Bowe Bergdahl, the much-hyped campaign promise that people would be able to keep their existing health insurance under the ACA, and the recent EPA proposal curbing emissions from coal power plants. "Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States," the Resolution reads.
Sponsor of the resolution, Allen Unruh of Sioux Falls, claimed he had "a thick book on impeachable offenses of the President" and called on South Dakota to "send a symbolic message that liberty shall be the law of the land." In lockstep with Tea Party ideologues, his interpretation of “liberty” appears to be people, policies and laws I agree with.
As I stated in my previous post - Why isn't Anybody talking About 2014?, we've seen what "repubs" do when they get power. Operating solely on hate, those 191 South Dakota delegates acted on their ultimate fantasy, destroying Barack Obama's Presidency.
Elections have consequences!
The Impeachment process would begin in the House and would only need a simple majority to pass. Then at that point would go to the Senate for their vote. This is serious business. Just the House initiating the process would essentially destroy President Obama's legacy.
We have the power and the votes to take over the House and gain seats in the Senate.
All it takes is the will and commitment to get out and vote and register others to get out and vote in the 2014 Mid-term Elections!